Experience the impact of IAB through heartfelt testimonials from teachers and students! Hear firsthand accounts of how the International Arab Baccalaureate has transformed their educational journey and empowered them with 21st century skills. Click below to explore the inspiring Testimonials PDFs and discover the real-life successes of IAB educators and learners!


Dr. Ahmad Shaaban Abdel jawad

The IAB program is a good leap in our Arab education systems especially for those who are after outcome-oriented learning as it is based on systematic program starting from(setting criteria and standards, teaching methodologies, integrating 21st century skills, assessment for learning, assessment of learning and authentic assessment) The IAB, briefly, focuses on both hard and soft skills and prepares learners to life and work market ... Read More >

IAB Testimonials

في إطار سعينا الدؤوب إلى إيجاد الوسيلة الناجحة لتحقيق أهدافنا التربوية والتعليمية، أتاح لنا التعاون مع منظومة البكالوريا العربية الدولية IAB الفرصة للعمل على تنمية مهارات تلامذة المرحلة الثانوية بما يتناسب مع المنهج اللبناني ومهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين. ... Read More >


In the process of developing its educational practices, College Patriarchal Beirut (CPB) will adopt the IAB, which is an effective international baccalaureate program in the Arab world... Read More >